Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A night for Coleridge fans!

Our next event is taking place on 18th October 2008 and is a must see for all fans of great literature! Samuel Taylor Coleridge is being brought to life in an evening called 'Table Talk' at St. Mary Redcliffe in Bristol.

Performed by Dennis Harkness, this will be a fascinating evening focusing on the character of this South West poet and philosopher. Known mostly for 'The rime of the ancient mariner' and 'Kubla Khan' he was a real character and the evening will highlight his opium addiction, relationship with women as well as poetry.

Tickets can be obtained by completing the booking form.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Help needed

We really want to get a new website up and running and would like to go for a content management system to enable all the trustees to be able to post to the site and reduce the reliance on a webmaster.

Ideally we want to use a free system such as Joomla! but have no experience in what to use and how to go about setting it up. We would need to port across much of the content from our existing site although once up and running we should be able to manage this ourselves.

So, we are after help! If anyone is into CMS and would be willing to do some work for us free of charge, please get in touch either via our website or add a comment to the blog.

Monday, April 14, 2008

An award of sorts

We have just heard that our sister organisation 'For Ethiopia Association' have been selected as a model NGO (non governmental organisation) by the regional government in Ethiopia.

Based on completing projects on time and under budget, we have been listed with several others to receive a certificate at a presentation attended by Federal and Regional authorities, Ambassadors, etc.

This is a great position to be in as it highlights that despite being small, we are efficient and have successfully achieved a lot with a relatively small budget. It may help to raise our profile and put us in the position to seek funding from Embassies and other international bodies.

The For Ethiopia Association is basically run by Worknesh Daba as a volunteer and guided by the For-ethiopia team in Bristol. While we raise the money, select the projects and chase the progress, it is poor Worknesh who has to do the running around in Ethiopia, appointing contractors, chasing payments, purchasing equipment and dealing with the various Government offices. A big thank you to Worknesh from all in Bristol!

We would also like to thank everyone in the UK and abroad who has donated money towards our projects and hope that this award shows that your money has been well spent.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Art Exhibition

Jacqueline Conradie-Faul, Carrie Hill and Claire Loder will be presenting a show in which they celebrate the 3 different art forms of painting, sculpture and printmaking.

The exhibition is open from Saturday 14 - Friday 20 June, 11am - 5pm at Widcombe Studios Art Gallery in Bath. You can print an invite here.

Jacqueline Conradie-Faul has helped For-Ethiopia , advising on and creating a range of art-related projects. 3 will be another opportunity for Jacqueline to contribute to the amazing work that For-Ethiopia is involved with. 20% of all Jacqueline’s sales will be donated to For-Ethiopia.

Monday, March 17, 2008

WANTED: Joomla programmer

We are desperate to get a new web site up and running and have settled on the open source Joomla! as a content management system, however we have been unable so far to develop our own template.

Although the installation on the server of Joomla! has been relatively straightforward, unless we use the default templates we have been unable to progress with transferring everything from the old html based site.

If anyone with a bit of Joomla! experience would like to offer a bit of time to a voluntary organisation please get in touch, either through this blog or via our For-ethiopia website.

Your assistance would be much appreciated and we would be happy for you to place an advert or use us as a reference in the future.

Heres hoping that all Joomla! professionals read blogs...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bradgate Raffle

The Bradgate-Addis Alem link are holding a raffle for a lovely hand stitched baby bedspread/blanket. Tickets are available from the Trustees or by emailing us. Tickets are 50p each or 3 for a pound(£) and the draw is taking place on 20 March 2008.

Our Facebook site is starting to take off and we now have 30 fans! I have also linked through to our YouTube video site and now a Flickr site where we are going to be housing our photos. I am also trying to work out how I can integrate Flickr into our website but this is a bit more complicated than it appeared and involves integrating PHP!!!! (any PHP wizards out there want to offer a hand?)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Presentation to the Lions

Last night I gave my presentation to the Keynsham Lions at the Fry Club which seemed to go down well. They were a nice bunch of people and asked a lot of questions, so either they weren't listening or they were genuinely interested!

Surprisingly, I quite like Vista and Office 2007 which seemed to talk very easily to the projector without any problems. Much better than the old version which I always had difficulty with!

We seem to be getting a few more hits on our YouTube site although Facebook hasn't taken off!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


As well as our recent attempt of 'viral advertising' via YouTube, Facebook and this blog, we still continue to do the conventional method of attending meetings in person!

On Monday 28th January, Rob will be visiting the Keynsham Lions at the Fry Club for an after-dinner talk. He will be talking about how and why the charity was set up as well as what we have done.

On Thursday 7th February, John and Tigist will be attending the AGM of CLinC at Cromhall village hall to talk about the charity. Roy Greenhalgh had attended our AGM and was very interested in what we were doing. He had previously been on the same course as Tigist which is where he got to know us.

Last bit of news is that Sue is organising a raffle for a lovely hand sewn quilt made by Lisa Hamblin at Bradgate Surgery. Tickets will be 50p each or 3 for £1 and can be bought from Sue or via the For-ethiopia website soon.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Online updates

As well as our website, For-ethiopia now has a Facebook and a YouTube page. At the YouTube page we will try and keep adding videos of events and projects. Currently there are two videos on there so take a look...

The Facebook is a bit different. I signed up as an organisation and now cannot find out how to invite people to look at it. You don't seem to be able to have friends and the way to notify people is a mass mailing to Facebook users. Now, I don't really like receiving mass mailing myself so I really do not want to go down this route! If anyone knows how to invite people please let me know!!!!! Ideally I want people to add it and then their friends see it, visit and add if they like it....at the moment there are a few general photos of Addis Alem on there but I will add more. I cannot put the link to it as I am blogging from work and they have banned access to Facebook!!!!!

Almost forgot, we now have a Buy.At site which means people can search for shops and products and anything they purchase using the site will pass on a commission to go towards our projects!

Oh well, more soon.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Ethiopian Christmas Party

We held a party on Saturday to celebrate both Ethiopian Christmas and our 3rd year of operation.
Although it was a cold, dark, miserable evening, around 40 people turned up to see our presentation and eat mincepies(!), samosas, and an Ethiopian Flag Christmas cake made by Janet (lots of colouring needed!).
Dudley talked well and explained the projects in Addis Alem that had been completed in 2007 balanced against our funding needs for next year.
A couple of people signed up for regular donations and a lot of donations were made in the collection bucket. All in all, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the Trustees felt a great sense of achievement by the end of.
2007 (year 3) has been a relatively hard one but the successes lead us forward to year 4 with more big ideas!