Monday, December 31, 2007

Year 3 signed off, 2008 here we come!

Well, I cannot believe it is almost a year since the last post! Year 3 of the charity ended 30th September 2007 and the accounts were signed off within a couple of months (again by Jean) and submitted to the Charities Commission.

The Annual General Meeting was held as a Trustees meeting and we are having an 'Ethiopian Christmas Party' on January 5th 2008 to celebrate both Ethiopian Christmas and Year 3 of the Charity.....

Year 3 included four water projects (wells at Arada, Damu and Cheffe, spring capping at Abademie), equipping of two health posts (Arb Gebaye and Iluaga) and books and furniture for four schools (Addis Alem High, Arb Gebaye, Efa Beri and Ejere schools).

Year 4 will see a spring capping at Kusiye, upgrading of the well at Efa Beri and mains water to the high school. We will also be equipping another two clinics, building a library at the High School and books and furniture to two more junior schools.

More details as always will be on the website at